Card Services
After all you do for us, Houston Police Credit Union wants to keep your financial life as hassle free as possible. Our selection of cards can give you the freedom to purchase anywhere and control spending. It’s all right here—at HPCU.
To find out more about the different cards we offer, or to become a member, visit any of our branch locations or give us a call, today!
CardValet® lets you manage your debit and credit cards using your phone. With this new and powerful app, you can set limits for when, where and how your cards are used. It’s easy to turn ‘off’ your cards from your phone, and then turn them back ‘on’ when you want to use them.
You can also establish restrictions by a transaction’s type, location, amount or merchant category. With CardValet® , get real-time alerts that a transaction was attempted, declined or both to provide an additional layer of protection. CardValet® puts the control of your HPCU cards right into your hands.
Do you have multiple cards for your HPCU accounts? Keep track and manage them all in one easy-to-use app. You can even set different limits and restrictions for each card. Download the CardValet® app for any Apple® or Android® phone in the App Store or Google Play, and then actively manage your cards.

VISA® Debit
With HPCU’s VISA® Debit card, you can replace the cash in your wallet and never have to pull out your checkbook again. Our VISA® Debit card is secure, convenient and is linked directly to your checking account. Easily keep track of spending, access your money 24/7, and use it anywhere VISA® is accepted.
- Easier and more secure than using cash
- Access your money 24/7 and make withdrawals at any HPCU ATM or Allpoint® ATM
- Get cash back at participating merchants using your PIN code
- Shop online, in store or over the phone at millions of locations—worldwide
- Set up Notifications for suspicious activity
1 Card is subject to a fee and/or charge. Please see our Fee Schedule for a current list of fees and charges.