Did you know you could be using the equity in your automobile for anything life throws your way?
Take out the equity in your vehicle today, and often at a lower rate than traditional financing options.
Things you can use the equity in your automobile for:
- Wedding Expenses
- Vacation
- Debt Consolidation
- Repairs
- Medical Bills
- Vet Bills
- Emergency Expenses
- Back to School Costs
Featuring rates as low as 4.99% APR and up to 120 days of no payments*!
Give us a call today at 713.986.0200 to get started.
*Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Certain credit criteria apply for 120 days no payment. 90 days no payment is available for all members. Interest will continue to accrue during the deferral period. Current HPCU refinances are not eligible for this offer. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Certain credit criteria, terms and restrictions apply. Rates are based on a combination of credit score, the eligible term selected, collateral and other lending criteria. Credit score will be established by TransUnion FICO 9. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. For more information, please contact Houston Police Credit Union at 713.986.0200 or 800.927.8707.